Pilot plant for industrial water projects

Azulatis has a number of mobile pilot plant that has already been used at several companies. This allows on-site investigation of desired techniques to turn the existing water source into the desired process water quality. The pilot plants have a capacity of 3 m³/h for the Ultrafiltration and 1 m³/h for the reverse osmosis plant.

Azulatis mobile pilot plantPilot plant

The containers are equipped with:

  • Automatic monitoring and logging of operational parameters
  • Remote control
  • Inline coagulation and dosing of chemicals
  • Automated cleanings
Azulatis pilot plant for industrial water projects

Online monitoring

Through online monitoring, we can detect any seasonal or periodic changes and adjust our process control accordingly.

Thus, Azulatis has already had the opportunity to conduct tests for Ineos to determine whether the treated wastewater could possibly be used to produce process water.