Acquisition of existing installation and optimization
Puratos Lummen works together with Azulatis to optimize their water management. Azulatis has supported Puratos in the development of a business case, design, construction, prefinancing and the exploitation of a new sustainable water treatment installation. Azulatis has drilled a groundwater well and expanded the existing water treatment with an MBR, sand filter, softener, Ro and Demin Ro. Puratos Lummen specializes in producing ingredients for the bakery, pastry and chocolate sector.
Food industry: ingredients for bakers, patissiers and chocolatiers
Production volume
25 m³/hour or 180,000 m³/year
Rough water
purified waste water and groundwater
Membrane Bio Reactor
inverted osmosis
ions exchanger
Demin reverse osmosis
low mineralized drinking water and deminwater
Nature cooperation
Design, Build, Finance & Operate