
Fuji Oil

Channel water treatment

Fuji Oil works together with Azulatis, where they focus on the processing of animal and vegetable fats. This collaboration includes the treatment of surface water from the Ghent-Terneuzen canal. By using advanced technologies such as ultrafiltration with flocculation, coagulation and reverse osmosis, the water is purified into drinking water quality.

Fuji Oil logo with the company name in Vet, Blue Hoofd font. To the left of the text is a stylized symbol with round and curved shapes.
An industrial installation with a complex network of large, silver -colored pipelines that bend in different directions. The metal tubes are equipped with round ends and connected to valves and supporting structures. In the background, extra pipes and steel structures are visible against a cloudy air.
BG Project Detail

Fuji Oil Europe Ghent

A green circular icon with a white stylized factory in the middle, consisting of a building with windows and a cooling tower. The symbol stands for industry, production or energy generation.


Processing animal and vegetable fats

A green circular icon with the white text "m³" in the middle, which indicates the unit cubic meter (Cubic meter). The symbol refers to volume, measurements or storage capacity.

Production volume

A green circular icon with a white symbol of wavy water in the middle, surrounded by a circle. The design symbolizes water, sustainability or environmentally friendly processes.

Rough water

Surface water channel Gent-Terneuzen

A green circular icon with two white gears of different sizes in the middle, which overlap each other. The design symbolizes technology, mechanical processes or efficiency.


Ultra filtration with flocculation
coagulation and reverse osmosis

A green circular icon with a white finch in a partial circle in the middle. The symbol stands for approval, completion or quality control.

Water quality

Drinking water

A green circular icon with a white symbol of two hands that shake each other in the middle, surrounded by a thin white ring. The design symbolizes cooperation, partnership or similarities.

Nature cooperation

Design, Build, Finance & Operate

Interested in a collaboration?

Ready to optimize the water management of your company in a sustainable way?

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